Ignite presentation learner response

1) Type up your feedback in full including the ratings out of five for each of the categories. 

Research - 5

Music video / magazine concept - 4

Language: terminology and theory - 3

Representation - 3

Audience and industry - 3

Delivery - 5

Total - 23/30


  • Nice intro using humour, excellent steady delivery that is timed really well.
  • Strong concept with good presentation slides - creative, not too much text, nice images.
  • Will there be a performance element? Could that help?
  • Does Nike brand fit with genre / artist / art concept?
  • Camera shots slightly weaker but really good use of music video conventions (e.g. notions of looking)
  • Excellent magazine title - check it meets brief (cover lines, fashion element)
  • Great to see plan for additional page article too - am excellent idea.
  • Likewise photoshoot plans too - impressive
  • Audience could offer more detail - likewise representations. These would be areas to expand in statement of intent.
  • Final slide on lighting feels like it might more naturally have fitted elsewhere but overall an excellent, well thought-out idea and presentation.
  • Nice question on character introduction - good answer in terms of narrative, costume
  • Next question on whether there will be performance element. Definitely needs to build into plan but great to see open to ideas
  • Confident Q+A to end excellent presentation

2) Use this feedback, comments from peers and your own reflection on your presentation to self-assess and write your own detailed WWW and EBI for your coursework concept and presentation as a whole.


  • Plans for magazine
  • good concept
  • mise en scene
  • media language
  • audiences

3) Write a paragraph discussing how your presentation will lead into your actual coursework production. Do you need to update your statement of intent? Does your concept offer enough clarity? Is it appropriate for the audience specified in the brief? Is it achievable to film with the resources you have available? Can you add media terminology or theory to your statement of intent now you have reflected on your presentation and seen others? 

  • I need to update my statement of intent to feature the new shoe brand I have chosen (Vans) and I need to go into more detail on audiences and representation, additionally I need to include more media language. I believe that my concept offers enough clarity and is appropriate for the audience specified in the brief. My music video concept is achievable to film as I will be shooting most of it in nearby locations.


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